Refresh Programme

from $33.25

Introducing Taste Success Refresh Programme

Did you finish our Foundation Programme? Do you want to continue building on what you have learnt?

A slight step up from the Foundation programme, Taste Success Refresh introduces you to new nutrient-dense foods to keep you moving in the right direction.

  • New tasty recipes to support your continued wellbeing journey

  • Easy and practical healthy meal plans with enough for next day's lunch

  • Introduction to new healthy new ingredients

  • Continued support from your nutrition coach.


Our programme represents excellent value at just $399 (or $33.25 per week) for the whole package, including all your appointments, a Taste Success recipe book, weekly meal plans, shopping lists, health tips and more.


A great number of people have experienced the following outcomes from our programmes so far: Improved energy, weight loss, reduced cravings, better sleep quality, improved mood, more stable hormones, improved memory and concentration (no “brain fog”), reduced digestive problems (bloating, wind, bowel trouble), lowered stress levels, improved skin health and more!

Payment cycle:
Start Programme

Introducing Taste Success Refresh Programme

Did you finish our Foundation Programme? Do you want to continue building on what you have learnt?

A slight step up from the Foundation programme, Taste Success Refresh introduces you to new nutrient-dense foods to keep you moving in the right direction.

  • New tasty recipes to support your continued wellbeing journey

  • Easy and practical healthy meal plans with enough for next day's lunch

  • Introduction to new healthy new ingredients

  • Continued support from your nutrition coach.


Our programme represents excellent value at just $399 (or $33.25 per week) for the whole package, including all your appointments, a Taste Success recipe book, weekly meal plans, shopping lists, health tips and more.


A great number of people have experienced the following outcomes from our programmes so far: Improved energy, weight loss, reduced cravings, better sleep quality, improved mood, more stable hormones, improved memory and concentration (no “brain fog”), reduced digestive problems (bloating, wind, bowel trouble), lowered stress levels, improved skin health and more!

Introducing Taste Success Refresh Programme

Did you finish our Foundation Programme? Do you want to continue building on what you have learnt?

A slight step up from the Foundation programme, Taste Success Refresh introduces you to new nutrient-dense foods to keep you moving in the right direction.

  • New tasty recipes to support your continued wellbeing journey

  • Easy and practical healthy meal plans with enough for next day's lunch

  • Introduction to new healthy new ingredients

  • Continued support from your nutrition coach.


Our programme represents excellent value at just $399 (or $33.25 per week) for the whole package, including all your appointments, a Taste Success recipe book, weekly meal plans, shopping lists, health tips and more.


A great number of people have experienced the following outcomes from our programmes so far: Improved energy, weight loss, reduced cravings, better sleep quality, improved mood, more stable hormones, improved memory and concentration (no “brain fog”), reduced digestive problems (bloating, wind, bowel trouble), lowered stress levels, improved skin health and more!

  • Katrina will be in contact once payment has been confirmed to discuss programme details.

  • The programme doesn’t cover the cost of food.